Steps of the Mische Technique

The mische technique is an ever-evolving adaptation of a Renaissance master's painting technique. Re-imagined by the contemporary master, Ernst Fuchs, I learned the mische from Brigid Marlin, one of his earliest students. She continued to paint in the method he had taught her, and although Fuchs continued to evolve and change his method, she stayed true to this initial teaching. This is the technique I learned. I studied with Brigid over the years of 2005-2007 and I continue to paint in the version of the mische technique today.
What sets this particular version of the mische technique apart is the three whole color glazes of the underpainting. Beginning with a red ochre ground, you bring out the highlights and light range with the egg tempera. Next, you glaze the entire painting with a yellow, I prefer Indian Yellow for this step. Another layer of more refined highlights with the egg tempera and then a final glaze over the entire painting of a very light blue. I use either ultramarine or cerulean blue mixed with white or radiant blue right out of the tube. Then one final refinement of the highlights with egg tempera and then you can begin local color glazing. The finished piece radiates this opalescence from that blue layer that I personally am just in love with.